Stages of Rawhide Enjoyment

So, an unannounced two week blogging hiatus is not cool, I know and I’m sorry. I’ll do my best to keep you all up to date on useless news and the happenings of the dogs (which I’m sure you all sorely missed) from here on out. It occurred to me the other day that when I started this blog over two years ago, I didn’t start this blog to jabber on about useless (yet highly entertaining) pet stories or to share my latest junkin’ find (of which I recently have much to share) I started this blog to talk about the updates and improvements made to my little house. Recently, there haven’t been many of those updates, mainly because I’ve been too busy sitting on my bum watching the Olympics (it counts as exercise if I’m watching someone else push their body to the limit right?). But while pondering the reason why I started this blog, I came to appreciate what she has turned into. It’s a blog that I enjoy writing, yeah the jokes may only make sense to me and at times my mom might be the only one who reads my jabbering, but this blog is my happy place and if I want to share pictures of my dogs enjoying their most happy things in their happy place (that sounded dirty sorry) then that’s what I’ll blog about. So speaking of dogs, here is a series of my brats enjoying one of their most happy things in world, a rawhide. I know, it’s not exciting, but darn it, it’s my blog and if I want to share copious amounts of photos of my dogs eating a rawhide then that’s what I’m gonna do. Sit back and enjoy…


First Stage, choose the rawhide that is juuuussst right.

Second stage, find the perfect place for optimal rawhide enjoyment.

Ignore the unfinished floors, I do.

Stage three, make funny faces while chewing rawhide.

Stage four, all done, more please?

Yeah, more?

What have you been finding enjoyment out of lately? Silly pictures of a beloved pet? Finding treasures at your local thrift store?

A rawhide perhaps?

Pigs and Owls! Oh my!

Going with the train of thought from an earlier post about finding happiness in the silly and obscure things. Even though, I’m not sure that I touched on that aspect of the post, I may have focused more on dogs eating rawhides. But anyway, here’s another post on all things weird, fun, and pride inducing : pigs ,owls, and Ole Glory. Not meaning any disrespect by putting our beautiful flag in the mix with a pig. Just to keep things clear here, we’re not talking about an actual bacon producing pig, but more the white ceramic animal head variety, I call him Sir Hamster the III.

As you can see I couldn’t be bothered with removing the 3.99 price tag before taking a shot of  his royal pigness. In fact, I haven’t been bothered to even hang him on the wall yet. When that happens I’ll be sure to share.

One of my not so recent acquisitions, a set of beautiful ironwood owls from my sweet uncle.

That little guy I already had, but he matched so well with the two big guys I just had to put them together to make an owl family. Thanks Unc. D for sending these guys my way!!

And finally, something that makes my heart swell with pride…

Our beautiful flag, it not only looks nice proudly rippling in the wind, but it also represents all those brave men and women that fight for our freedom everyday.

And with that I leave you with an obliatory dog picture, what post would be complete without one?

Leash Pulling

Sorry for the radio silence recently, I have had the pleasure of having to serve jury duty (bleh).  In turn, causing a backlog of work at my 9 to 5. Which, takes priority over this little blog, sorry, but they give me the funds to afford kibbles. So, here I sit, for 4 hours most mornings, waiting for my name to be called to serve on a jury. I haven’t been called yet, but honestly, I’m not sure that I want to be on a jury. This time waiting gives me the chance to work on a tedious application for a licensure exam, or write a quick and pointless blog post. I’d rather write a quick and pointless blog than fill out an essay application to take an exam, seriously, how hard is the exam going to be if the application requires me to write more than 1500 words about my job?

Anywho, I’ve been pulling on my leash recently in hopes of moving on and away, away from jury duty and the prospect of filling out a tedious exam application and then waiting to be approved to take said tedious exam. Again really? How hard is this test going to be if I have to explain every duty my job entails, and then have to wait more than two months before I know I’ve even been approved to take the exam? And why do I need approval to take an exam? Oy vey, it’s too much. I can’t take the pressure, I think it’s time to stop pulling on my leash and enjoy the walk.

It’s time to let my walker,Christ, lead the way.

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8 (KJV)